Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gatlinburg Getaway

On Friday, April 8th, we traveled to Gatlinburg, TN to meet Sherri, Eddie, and Luke at a beautiful cabin in the mountains.  Our visit with them was long overdue and entirely too short, but we had a blast while we were together.

The boys loved being outside.  They enjoyed climbing hills, collecting rocks, fishing, and playing miniature golf.

On Saturday, Bucky and Sammy joined us.  After enjoying a delicious meal and an exciting show at the Dixie Stampede, the kids walked down to the arena to meet some of the horses and their riders.  One of the performers asked Hudson where he was from.  He responded by saying that he was "from my mommy's belly."  How precious!

We then made a quick trip to the Tanger Outlets for some shopping.  Afterwards, we went back to the cabin for a relaxing evening complete with sundae cones, a family favorite.

On the trip back to Florence, Lee and I were constantly bombarded with questions as to when we would be home.  In the midst of the how-much-longers, Hudson asked me to pick up a ball that he had dropped in the backseat.  I responded by saying, "I can't reach it, Dear."  He then said, "I is not a dear.  I is a son." Needless to say, this provided some much-needed humor in what was an otherwise monotonous drive.  

1 comment:

  1. Gatlinburg is such a great family getaway place! Love reading about all of Hudson's hilarious comments. And glad to see some posts! Go you!
